Friday, September 30, 2011

11 ways to improve the collection of receivables

Many small businesses do a good job by offering their goods and services, but it is difficult to collect payment, often in cash flow crisis. This may be due to the creditworthiness of a customer who has not been examined properly in the beginning, or it may be that not enough attention was paid to monitoring and collection of overdue bills. In both cases, it is for an entrepreneur to set a reasonable credit policy, use proven techniques to optimize cash flow and enforceTerms in a diplomatic but firm, because "it has completed the sale until the money in the bank."

1 Optimize sales in cash to avoid risks

Data Collection Tools

There is no credit. If your company provides both cash payments and invoices, to optimize the amount of money, the area as a percentage of total revenues, the highest standards for your industry or business.

2 Obtain deposits, where possible

Large contracts to produce-to-order production, and in particularcustom orders should pay a deposit of 10-50% of the final purchase price at time of order. This will go a long way to alleviate the shortage of liquidity and also to ensure commitment to the customer's order. Deposits of this type should not be reimbursed.

3 Suggest a payment by credit card are safe

Make sure that the ability to accept credit cards (Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover). This is the best way to make money and reduce payment risks. In manyCases, makes it even easier to order for a customer. Customers can pay in advance from one object to "hold" satisfied at the level of sales for the card and payment processing only after the delivery, or completion of the service. This guarantees the payment (for a period, usually 30 days) not yet appear as advance payment for the customer. For sales of credit card payment is processed, your company invoice generally credited to the credit cardprocessing company in 1-3 days for a service fee of 2 to 3.5%.

4 Progress requires compensation for the ongoing work orders or sales contract

If you produce a product or perform a job for a longer period, for a few months, are in the Purchase Agreement certain times when payments are due (for example, 10% with order, 40% after 60 days, the 'balance at the end). This will go a long way to raise funds to prevent losses and provisions for the continuation of the project. In many contractsSales situations, the actual amount of the deposit of the earnings of the range and is available in advance, the balance or the cost of the product is then transferred from the customer to suppliers under normal conditions of payment.

5 Development and use of a credit application form

Every company, large or small, should be involved in the sales invoiced a credit application. This can be as simple as a page, querying the module provides important information such as name and telephone number of the customerContact Accounts Payable, Director and CEO. The form may also require a minimum of two trade references and a bank reference. A key administrative person (in small companies, which typically is the office manager) is responsible for collecting the information on the form, checking references and what is delegated to a line of credit on the basis of the results.

6 Making a credit for every customer, large or small

Been checked for credit, aCredit limit should fight for every customer. To customers small, if the credit limit set on the basis of their average behavior-up payment may be adjusted. For large companies, if a credit limit based on the amount of risk your company is willing to accept and is a direct reflection of the percentage of your company is willing to devote to a client can be set. Typically more than 10% of your company focus on a customer begins a danger; 30-50% is very risky andmore than 50% is a disaster for the company. Bad things can happen to large companies.

7 Receivables Aging by Total and monitor the customer

At least once a week, the average age of open invoices by customers and total. Assign responsibility (for example, the office manager) for the production and reporting of such information. Develop a relationship "expired" that bill every 5 days or more past shows on your terms. Along with specific objectives based on reasonableThe industry for "average daily requirements," and tie a component of the remuneration Office Manager for the achievement of the goal.

8 Development of standardized procedures for action on overdue accounts

Develop a formal written order of payment, including scripts or guidelines for contacting customers extraordinary bills late. The approach is always gentle, but always to determine how to increase the delay period. In general, the first call request is a courtesy only. A60 days may be reminded of the company relative to its assets and is in danger, after 90 days that their account is only COD and 100 days, before the costs of the process, if it can not receive payment immediately. If the last stage is reached, it would be timely for implementation.

9 Avoid warning and use the phone

Reminders, overdue notices and account statements showing account is usually too late to do nothing but irritate aCustomers can pay a reasonable explanation for a slow payments. Instead, it is preferable that you personally, to ask the phone to customer requests for goods and services representative (on the demand for credit), if the invoice has been misplaced or is there another problem. Usually 80% of payments lenses are resolved in this way, creating a relationship between key personnel from both companies.

10 U.S. charge off rate at maximumAll

It offers a discount is not always the desired results. If the problem is the customer's cash flow, are not able to get the discount. Often, customers who already use to pay on time, you are the most popular. Is it really possible to rationalize this as a reward for good customers, but you've just reduced the profitability accordingly. Discounts that are attractive to customers is usually not effective in the cost of money to compensateYour business. To better understand your customers pay slow, first individually and investigation to determine the potential value of discounting can be your cash flow.

11 Use the accounting system for managing credit and debt management

Many small businesses use accounting systems like QuickBooks or Peachtree and simplified are required with these systems to reduce the amount of time to the management of claims. Credit limits can be set by the customer and the systema warning when entering a new order, this order should result in the limit to be exceeded. Aging reports can be generated by customers in a variety of formats. Data can be exported directly into an Excel spreadsheet and analyzed further if desired. Billing information may also be connected directly to a customer via fax or e-mail saves valuable time can be exported. Contacts with customers and phone numbers are included in the customer data and can be extracted quickly and monitor the reports to helpcalls for the withdrawal. Be sure to help you with all the features of the accounting system for your efforts in the management of credit and receivables management.

11 ways to improve the collection of receivables

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The Six Sigma and TQM tools are not the same

Many entrepreneurs do not have the difference between Six Sigma tool and total quality management, detect known as TQM. Although at first glance, seem quite similar, and Six Sigma tool actually employ some of the techniques and strategies that are the foundation of TQM, there are two completely separate methods of doing business.

While both Six Sigma and TQM tool set to a value of what is important to try to support the overall business' andManagement structure from top to bottom, not the similarities do not go much further. And 'the focus on quality rather than the confusion of Total Quality Management and Six Sigma tool causes. Both approaches to the business believe that the continuous improvement of the quality of a company is crucial to its continued success. In addition, the tool is called Six Sigma cycle improvement analysis similar measure to control the plan-do-study-act cycle TQM.

Data Collection Tools

However, the differences are largeand between these two important strategies. And 'of these differences, because Six Sigma tool to grow in popularity, whereas TQM explains disappears over time.

Among these differences, the owner is primary. Unlike TQM, Six Sigma tool was not from men who had little experience in management, and therefore were only able to develop a plan that had created deep management guidelines. In contrast, Six Sigma tool formulated by a group ofmore managing directors in the United States, the only commercial success, had as their highest goal. They worked all the tools and techniques to learn the business, and each incorporates the most effective, tried and true to work with companies to reach their full potential, in a framework that makes it all possible.

Therefore, Six Sigma tool to be seen as a more holistic approach to business. Although loosely based on traditional concepts, is basedadvantage of those who have been known to work consistently across all sectors and company size. In addition, focusing not only on the final result, but for the entire company and its processes and policies.

Of course there are many other differences, to be quickly summarized, the main difference is to give the Six Sigma tools, its ability to organize a much clearer path to success for its potential to the fullest.

The Six Sigma and TQM tools are not the same

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

TI-Nspire - Interactive maths teaching tools

TI-Nspire - Interactive maths teaching tools Video Clips. Duration : 8.95 Mins.

Interactive maths teaching tools - Texas Instruments develops a wide range of classroom resources including TI-Nspire technology, a suite of interactive tools that help increase classroom participation and students' understanding. TI-Nspire incorporates dynamic geometry, graphing and data and statistics software that generate greater opportunities for interactive maths teaching.

Tags: Interactive, maths, teaching, tools, Texas, Instruments

Monday, September 26, 2011

The potential threats that you can with the data security company

Many entrepreneurs know that there are many security risks that their companies are exposed. Threats can come in many forms of natural disasters and loss of power to data theft and unauthorized network access. These threats, regardless of whether they are a low to high risk to your business should be managed properly to avoid leakage and damage.

An example of a security threat would be if the information leaked by accidentAccess to unauthorized persons or parties. The unauthorized party could manipulate or distort the data that the company could get the collection of personal data of customers and suppliers confidential business information business tactics to stop or even harmful include business interruption and business productivity. While there really is no guaranteed solution for this type of threat, there are things that are associated risks can be minimized.The company may issue a confidentiality agreement, which would be signed by all employees. You could also use to store important and confidential documents in secure locations and make shredders to dispose of unnecessary documents professionally.

Data Collection Tools

A different kind of threat would be if the infiltration by an attacker who has become known as a hacker. Hackers have become experts in getting into secure networks with their know-how andPrograms that are designed to pass through firewalls and data encryption. Hackers usually tries to capture, edit a corporate network and the existing system. They do it for a number of reasons, including gathering data and confidential company trade secrets, or sabotage the system to stop business productivity. On top of regular security measures, such as the creation of firewalls, passwords and other, a good solution for this setting would be another hacker. TheHackers that the company would hire, of course, for the company. He or she would be responsible for the anticipation of possible access points, to specify which of the other hackers and then set the possibility to stop the intrusion by unauthorized users, or outsider.

Many companies also have their share of the laptop with an infected or malicious software or program or supports through its own network and allows you to gather confidential information, or to modify or change the system. ATo avoid this would be a firewall configuration can be strictly necessary, along with the latest anti-virus software.

Despite these dangers and the risks can not be completely eliminated, it can be prevented by adopting the safety measures are adequate and effective. If you are interested in creating a safety plan for your business, you can always try to get the services of a security company of reliable data. Most of these companies have the tools, resources and know-how on whatdone to ensure maximum protection for all assets of a company.

The potential threats that you can with the data security company

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Did the God create the Universe?

Did the God create the Universe? Tube. Duration : 6.67 Mins.

The God is a perfect artisan. Wisdom of God is incomprehensible. Humans have no right define the God in the context of the universe or to debate weather the God created the universe or not. If any advanced extra terrestrial civilization hears of this they will never rate human race more than retarded morons condemned to be morons through the periodic start and annihilation of their race. Admire the power of God; don't try to put your finger on the God. He is all powerful and all pervasive. The entire human race or life on earth is like a bubble on surface of water in the river of universe. A bubble on water has no right to define its river. It is safe to assume that creator of this universe is someone known as God but God is not definable by human in the context of universe. God is nothing like human. Thinking that some material God created or not created the universe is retarding the human race. God is anonymous and will remain so ever until the universe is recreated by actions on coarse of logical conclusions. Full text on the video and the website A website of Hitech group Web Portal Websites: ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** www.FreeSoftware.US.Com ** www ...

Keywords: Earth, Solar, System, Planets, Jupiter, Saturn, Sun, Mars, Moon, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Birth, of, Planet, Venus, Mercury, Asteroids, Comets, Asteroid, Belt, Kuiper, Oort, Cloud, Universe, Milky, Way, Galaxy, Space, Sky, Skies, Final, Frontiers, Nebula, Clouds, Lightening, Thunder

Saturday, September 24, 2011

115 ways to earn money with your computer

Here is a list of ideas for your reference, if you use your PC to want to make money.

Enter 1 in office management services for computer-based lawyers

Data Collection Tools

2 Thu word processing

3 The billing for doctors

4 Automate Telemarketing

5 Managing a church

6 Start a group of computer users

7 Discover how to win at blackjack

8 Wagering on horse racing

9 bet on pro football

10 Sell your home computer

11 They provide medical careManagement Information

12 Information Broker

13 Trading via computer

14 Enter astrological services

Offer an interactive electronic newsletter 15

Produce book indexes 16

17 Enter a computerized reservation service

18 Make stock market investment decisions

19 Thu Genealogy

20 Managing a band

21 Managing a house or pet sitter

22 Your Gems

23 Sale InfoCollector

24 Analyzing Real Estate Investments

25 Supporting a small business law

26 Write a book

27 Collectors Market

28 They advise

29 Prepare tax returns

30 Giving advice economic

31 Solve the real problems of real estate financing

Thurs 32 search databases

33 Publish your book

34 Plan your small business system

35 Crop Management

36 Analyze farm expenses

37 Enter WeeklyExpression of the bowling league statistics

38 Ensure that the computer-generated portraits

39 Investment Risks shelters

40 Managing construction costs

41 Produce computer utility products

42 Enter a computerized financial planning

43 Sell Life Insurance

44 Support a small publishing house

45 Enter the weekly press of Little League Baseball statistics

46 Run a small pharmacy

47 retailers, will be

48 Interpret physicalTherapy test results

49 Running a restaurant

50 Starting Business Directory

51 Conduct computer-assisted telephone interviews

52 Flow-line executive search activities

53 Enter the agricultural raw materials planning

Turn pictures 54 budget financial

55 Managing a museum collection

56 Supporting consumer education programs

57 They write freelance technical

These 58 multi-level direct-mail marketing

59 ReviewSpecial software

60 Being an engineering company

Enter 61 Sports Information Services

62 Manufacture of products for hobbyists

Enter 63 specialty-oriented services software

64 Perform a multi-level direct sales operation

65. You dispute management

66 The management of a dairy

Equipped with 67 debt collection automatic

68 Enter the date-based installation and instruction

69 Run a school / beauty salon

70 Improving small businessesService

71 Broker used computers!

Telework 72

73 Improved methods of medical diagnosis and treatment

74 Create electronic marketing tools

75 Place of independent documentation of software

76 Teaching people how to use microcomputers

77 Being on your home computer publishing

78 New computer-generated puzzles and word games

79 Become a software consultant

80 Producing low-cost computer graphics products

81 Development of software forChildren

Perform real estate inspections 82

83 Making translation software

84 has produced a computerized home security

85 Automating the recording of the conference

Gifts 86 new computer

Development of 87 scientific products

88 Write software for use at home

89 Managing a cellar

90 Design and production of personal computer hardware and peripherals

91 Design, publish and distribute software

92 Provide details of the machineMachinery

93 Start writing a co-operative Software

94 Developing small real estate partnerships

95 She Property Management

Thurs 96 Mortgage Brokerage

Perform non-judicial foreclosures 97

98 The development of mini-warehouse storage facilities

99 Sell immediate sign

Start an advertising agency 100

Start a hundred and first service curriculum.

102 Managing a talent agency

103 Managing a referral service

104 The operation of a mailing listService

105 Managing a typesetting service

106 Providing legal services for the community is

107 Post your own newsletter or help others to pay

108 Managing a voice mail service

109 Open your local newspaper classified

110 Enter a service reminder letter

111 ° Offer a personalized diet plan

112 ° Open your local newspaper real estate

113 ° Start a holiday Newspaper

Enter a 114 showdownService

115 Start Dating a single service

You can find more ideas with a series of brainstorming tools is

In truth, it gives the PC and the Internet to gain more opportunities, income, leisure time.

115 ways to earn money with your computer

Friday, September 23, 2011

Authors@Google: Salman Khan

Authors@Google: Salman Khan Tube. Duration : 64.97 Mins.

Salman Khan spoke to Googlers in Mountain View, California on March 15, 2011 about Khan Academy: A World Class Education to Anyone, Anywhere. Salman Khan is the founder and faculty of Khan Academy a not-for-profit educational organization. With the stated mission "of providing a high quality education to anyone, anywhere", the Academy supplies a free online collection of over 2000 videos on mathematics, history, finance, physics, chemistry, astronomy, and economics. In late 2004, Khan began tutoring his cousin in mathematics using Yahoo!'s Doodle notepad. When other relatives and friends sought his tutorial, he decided it would be more practical to distribute the tutorials on YouTube. Their popularity there and the testimonials of appreciative students prompted Khan to quit his job in finance in 2009 and focus on the Academy full-time. Khan Academy's channel on YouTube has 45+ million views so far and it's one of YouTube's most successful academic partners. In September 2010, Google announced they would be providing the Khan Academy with million to support the creation of more courses and to enable the Khan Academy to translate their core library into the world's most widely spoken languages, as part of Project 10^100, Khan is aiming at making nothing less than "tens of thousands" of tutorials offering the "first free, world-class virtual school where anyone can learn anything."

Tags: Khan Academy, Salman Khan, online education, Project 10^100

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Hunting By Moon Phase: The Best Season

Each season, taking millions of hunters in the woods with renewed enthusiasm and vigor. Unfortunately, many come away empty-handed, again, day after day to face similar results. And 'every dilemma greatest hunter, but some have found the perfect solution, and this is hunting the moon phases.

Fishermen have long been recognized to determine the strong influence of the moon on the tides and chart the various phases of the moon around the best time for fishing. Similarly, animalsin harmony with their surroundings and travel in some natural forces trigger corresponding responses in the wild.

Data Collection Tools

For years, researchers have the reaction of animals to changes in the position of the sun and the moon have been studied and come up with some rather interesting observations in relation to hunting and moon phase.

So how does it work? How can attention to the phases of the moon to ensure the success of a hunter?

Animals and the Moon

The animals in the wild tend toless active during daylight hours. Feeling of safety under the cover of darkness will be many animals increase their activity as dusk.

However, many observers have noted that the activity is greater in all animals when the moon is full and that this is a form of hunting by moon phase - hunting during a full moon - can achieve outstanding results.

In other words, if you know the phases of the moon, you're in a better position to anticipate the peak of the beastActivities. The more active they are, the better your chances of finding them.

Moon phase deer hunting

Much of the research he has done on this issue, deer hunting and many hunters swear that involved hunting by moon phase is the only way to accurately predict deer activity.

But the moon does not only affect deer activity. The various phases of the moon also seem to have a direct effect on deer mating flows, which in turn enable them to have easierto find. E 'for this reason that moon phase deer hunting - as always universally known - is quickly gaining acceptance.

To the knowledge of when the breeding season begins helps to determine travel patterns and areas of increased deer activity. When the breeding season is at its peak, the deer is easier to find and more likely to find more than one in a given area.

What does all this have to do with the moon? A deer female reproductive cycle is influenced by differentPhases of the moon, and peaks of three or four days around the second full moon after the autumnal equinox. If those are not in heat, rubbing and scraping the Bucks begin trying to win. If you know when the full moon occurs, you may be in the right place at the right time, and have the best chance of success, attracting the dollars in your site.

Knowing the different moon phases, deer hunting can be much more successful. Not only that, it can also helpFind out if you do not hunt. You're not going to be successful after the deer have mated and even the phase when the males chase the females can be pretty useless.

Using these models, and family planning for the future will bring hunting by moon phase will almost certainly be your best hunting season ever.

Hunting By Moon Phase: The Best Season

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

GPS to GIS: Mapping Field Data with ArcGIS Online

GPS to GIS: Mapping Field Data with ArcGIS Online Video Clips. Duration : 9.60 Mins.

Thisseries of videos describes how to use GPS and GIS in educational instruction--specifically, the whys and hows of gathering field data such as historical buildings, trees, pH in streams, invasive species, social zones on campus, and so on--and then mapping those data to analyze their spatial pattern and assess the issue from a spatial perspective. This video discusses how to map your field data in ArcGIS Online.

Keywords: GPS, GIS, field, data, collection, methods, tools, considerations, geotechnology, education

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Arcadia 18-50 Hacker Evolution review

Arcadia 18-50 Hacker Evolution review Video Clips. Duration : 3.68 Mins.

Arcadia 18-50 Hacker Evolution review Subtitles [cc] in English and Romanian are available. This is a segment of the television show Arcadia, in which they present a review of the game "Hacker Evolution", developed by exosyphen Studios . This episode was aired on 11 January 2010 in 18-50 Channel, and can be viewed full in For other events visit For a free beta download of Hacker Evolution visit

Keywords: arcadia, 18-50, hacker, evolution, exosyphen, how, to, hack, hacking, tools, tomas, galvez

Monday, September 19, 2011

Google I/O 2009 - ..Complex, high-performance apps w/ GWT

Google I/O 2009 - ..Complex, high-performance apps w/ GWT Tube. Duration : 59.83 Mins.

Google I/O 2009 - Effective GWT: Developing a complex, high-performance app with Google Web Toolkit Alex Moffat, Damon Lundin In this session we'll show how you can get the most out of GWT in development, testing and deployment. It's based on our two and half years of experience building Lombardi Blueprint, a SaaS application for collaborative business process documentation. We'll cover how you can effectively integrate GWT into your development process and how to structure your code and application to take advantage of GWT's unique features in order to provide the best possible user experience. Focus: Achieving high performance, sharing code between client and server, building and testing your application, multi-page application architecture, tips and tricks. For presentation slides and all I/O sessions, please go to:

Keywords: googleio2009, google, Google I/O, developer conference, Google Web Toolkit

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Google I/O 2010 - Writing zippy Android apps

Google I/O 2010 - Writing zippy Android apps Tube. Duration : 57.63 Mins.

Google I/O 2010 - Writing zippy Android apps Android 201 Brad Fitzpatrick Come hear tips & war stories on making fast, responsive (aka "non-janky") Android apps. No more ANRs! Eliminate event loop stalls! Fast start-ups! Optimized database queries with minimal I/O! Also, learn about the tools and techniques we use to find performance problems across the system and hear what's coming in the future. For all I/O 2010 sessions, please go to

Keywords: Android, Mobile, Java, googleio2010, google, Google I/O, developer conference, #io2010, #android10

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Keep Medical Records Security

Medical records are documents which are to be adequately maintained to meet with federal, state and local. If the files are in paper and in the traditional way, or entered into the computer and stored in electronic format, is a database of accurate detection is essential.

In the United States, includes most of the rules on the retention and access to medical records under HIPAA or the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act AsHIPAA regulations were enacted, each patient must sign a paper that their personal data may be used to share with:

Data Collection Tools

o Other medical staff
or insurance
and Labs
o Legal advisors
or directors
o Other health professions

One of the things that make a good tracking database is to encourage doctors and nurses to capture and store signatures on HIPAA forms electronically, instead of trying to save files in the coming years. The patient hasto restrict the right of access to personal files, but in most cases it is necessary to share information. For example, for the reimbursement by a health insurance company, a procedure or prescription, the insurance company have access to some parts of the file.

Some health experts believe that the patient must keep and maintain their personal health records. Some patients find that store the data type and remembering to take with them whenneed of medical care is difficult.

Health workers in order to avoid the dreaded "File Room", prefer a tracking database to store information instead. Concerns about security and hackers abound, but some of the best databases have a firewall to protect data.

Because the information is very sensitive in the medical records of a person, it is important to ensure that the information is accessible only when necessary. There have been cases of nurses and other staffAccess to personal data of the patient for personal gain.

The correct tracking database allows the physician to determine if a person has reached a record in person. You can also find out who has access to the file it is necessary that everyone in the office have a specific code and pass that no one can access all the pass-code, but they.

The date and time that the information was accessed may be recorded. The reason for which the data were considered, should be recorded aswell. For example, large hospitals often use the data for research. This is fine as long as the patient or the patient's legal guardian, approved it.

There could be many different rules regarding the care and preservation of records in your community. The right computer program can help ensure that all the rules followed to the letter.

Keep Medical Records Security

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Review and next steps for the chapter "How to Build Module Scaffolding" (a Drupal how-to)

Review and next steps for the chapter "How to Build Module Scaffolding" (a Drupal how-to) Video Clips. Duration : 2.53 Mins.

This is one of over 140 videos in a 12-hour series on called "Drupal 7 Core Concepts". This series contains over 120 videos and 12 hours of content, covering the most essential aspects of Drupal development, from setting up module scaffolding to working with forms and the database to working with jQuery and JavaScript. This library is a must-have for all developers. You can watch over 7 hours of FREE focused Drupal video tutorials on http To view the entire list of over videos (totaling over hours), simply go to and scroll down. There are currently 5 collections available, including * Drupal 7 Core Concepts (12 hours, 140 videos) - This series contains over 120 videos and 12 hours of content, covering the most essential aspects of Drupal development, from setting up module scaffolding to working with forms and the database to working with jQuery and JavaScript. This library is a must-have for all developers. Read more at * Drupal 6 Development and Tools (9 hours, 34 videos) - This is the original Build a series on Drupal 6 development along with some additional tools. Weighing in at nearly 9 hours, with over 30 videos, this is a great way to get started with Drupal 6 development. Read more at * Build Your First Drupal 7 Web Site (12 hours, 210 videos) - In this collection, we take you through the process of building a fully function Drupal 7 web site, step by step. No prior Drupal experience is ...

Tags: how, to, build, module, scaffolding, drupal, core, concepts, review, and, next, steps, for, the, chapter, drupal7, drupal6, howto, tutorial, technical, learn, fast, quick, website, code, develop, developer, program, theme, design, look, feel, training, train

Monday, September 12, 2011

C # data structures

And 'useful for a programmer for the types of data structures of a programming language supported by knowledge. With the right data structures are not only important for the disposition and efficiency of a program, but also large increases intelligibility.

Fortunately for. NET programmers, supports C #. Net has a variety of data structures, including basic and some advanced.

Data Collection Tools


The array is more or less the block data structures in C #.An array contains a number of elements in a list, usually defined as:

int [] intArray = new int [4];

An array can contain any type of object, but they must all be of the same type.


A extends ArrayList to the array size to be dynamic. Other types of objects can be stored within the same ArrayList.


The list of C # data structure is essentially an ArrayList with the difference that only one type of object canstored. This is an advantage when it comes to program the speed and readability.


LinkedList is an extended data structure. This structure consists of "nodes", take the three values: the object is to store a reference to a previous node and a reference to the next node. Basically image is like a chain, each node connected to the rest of the list.


The structure of the dictionary is like a tree list, but the index will be set. MeaningINDEC is generated automatically instead of (0, 1, 2, 3, etc. ..) are set by the user and can be of any type.


The HashSet is a new departure in C # with. Net Framework 3.5

Stacks and queues

The stack and queue data structures are actually very similar. Both are a form of a list that only a certain object in a new position. A tail in the way objects have been added. A stack on the opposite side is the last element added.

C # data structures

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Why do companies need data warehousing?

If Information Technology (IT) the basis for the performance of organization has been established, while the more computing power in elevation and analytical tools and techniques has led to the development of a product called Data Warehouse. Data warehousing refers to a series of new concepts and tools that you are together, worked to develop a technology. Where and when is it important? Well, data warehousing is instrumental, if you want to receive information on allTechnical design, maintenance, construction and recovery of data!

In other words, data warehousing, an organized and full of resources to manage and communicate data scattered across the enterprise. E 'with the aim to support decision making within an organization generates. When Bill Inmon, who coined the term defined "A warehouse is a collection of thematic, integrated, time-varying and non-volatile data to support management decision-makingProcess. "

Data Collection Tools

Over the past two decades, organizations are looking forward to the support of data warehousing. Why not? There are good reasons for companies to look into a data warehouse, because they are an important tool to maximize their investments in the information that is collected and stored for a longer period. It is the salient feature of a data warehouse that records, collects, filters and basic information is available on different systemshigher levels. One advantage of a simple data warehouse is equipped with a data warehouse, it is very easy for an organization to address any problems in providing important information for the affected person without a disability to meet the current production system. And 'to save time! Let's look at a couple of advantages of a data warehouse in terms of organization:

- With data warehousing, an organization with a common data model for different areas of interest,independent of the source data. It 's easier for the organization of reporting and analysis.

- With data warehousing, a number of inconsistencies found. These contradictions can be resolved before uploading information, which makes the reporting process much easier and simpler.

- By means of a data warehouse, the information under the control of the user or organization.

- There is a data warehouse is different from the operating system, helpsRecover data without slowing down the operating system.

- Data warehousing is a tool to increase the value of customers' business applications to operating systems and relationship management.

In fact, help in developing data warehouses, organizations with their need for management and business analysis, different needs, which could not be satisfied with their operating systems to respond. However, this does not mean that every project would be successful with the help of datawarehousing. Sometimes the complicated techniques and erroneous data employed in the process may cause errors and failure.

Data warehouses came into the picture of organizational settings in the late 1980s and early 1990s and ever since this type of distinctive computer database has been helping organizations in supporting decision-making information for management or departments.

Why do companies need data warehousing?

Friday, September 9, 2011

SQL Server data warehouse implementation

To be a good expert in data warehouse with MS SQL Server 2008, we must first understand the roles and responsibilities of a person in this job. This, too, when it comes to suites of Microsoft SQL Server, we must first understand the different set of tools that fall within the scope of the MS BI. The basic principles for the implementation of Business Intelligence are needed, the SQL Server database engine, MS SSIS, SSAS MS and MS SSRS.

A data warehouse (DWH) is a collection of structured dataand developed for other applications, decision making, Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery. A DWH is one or more data marts is taken, the data in data marts from the transaction system on-line analysis or legacy file-based or other comma-separated flat file, the data is first taken from the source system of environment staging (this is called extraction), where a simple standard format data into the data warehouse, (this is called transformation) taken, thendata from the staging area of ​​the mart.

Data Collection Tools

The user can query data directly from the data marts with the help of a suitable environment, or the reporting of data from data marts in online analytical processing cubes can be placed and read from there into Microsoft Excel or MS SQL Server Reporting Services or services per the dashboard clearly.

It would be very useful to learn more about the data warehouse database management experts and someBasic concepts of system administration.

A DWH successful professional would be able to, requirements to collect design, develop and deploy a business intelligence solution.

SQL Server data warehouse implementation

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Exponential growth of data and what it means for companies

"Information is a source of learning. But if it is organized, processed and made available to the right people in a format for decision making, is a burden, not an advantage." William Pollard

With the exponential growth of data collection and storage of data, we are experiencing the same dilemma. To counter the phenomenal growth of data storage continues to grow, IT budgets to increase the expansion rate of 60%, according to Dave Reinsel, program director, StorageSearch. As a company, managers and entrepreneurs, we all gather and store lots of data. Some information to facilitate your work is saved, so that people can work anytime, anywhere access. Some data such as e-mail messages are stored for legal reasons. Some data is stored for access by the user, as in the database with contact information. We also store your contracts, policies and procedures online, in the name of saving trees. If in fact the energy that can be used for data storagereal problem in question.

Data Collection Tools

What does this mean for companies?

Many see the growth coming as out of control. Rethink what is important and how to package information that has caused many organizations to consider other ways of doing business. Principles and procedures are designed by people who have never considered the impact of previous decisions. It will be one of the new solutions have an impact on comfort? Employees will be working at home yet in a position to accessto what they need to be productive?

The actual impact on the economy could be enormous, the costs and effectiveness of running a business. Specify a priority is something that should be considered in preparation for the future. Making terms for the purchase of equipment, project budgeting and reallocation of existing capacity are problems that companies face.

What does it mean for the environment?

Other technology companies talking greenSolutions. More scalable method of transmitting information is created each day. The world has become smaller because of the many ways we can communicate with each other, but also saves resources must start now. Data centers are smaller, but more will be able to manage because of the dynamic IT infrastructures in place.

What does this mean for consumers?

For daily use, probably benefit from a better service. As companies increase theirUnderstanding of the issues with which they have the solutions currently available to consumers, common. It will be something like the solutions offered to regular users of basic e-mail services available online. What is now taken for granted in the past paid services. (This e-mail capabilities, calendars, and ease of use)

Some additional costs incurred when companies ISPs distinguish between packages that start the public depending on user behavior. Not with an understanding ofThe effects can first understand the alleged poor service or bad service if consumers opt for cheaper packages too, but not when connected to their homes and all use the computer, the service is slow and tedious.

What it does, how business is done?

There is some good news from the study. Since the search for ways to cut costs for the storage of crops in control of large environments, have been commissioned by the industry to view itthe big picture. Mike Karp, senior analyst at EMA data on common experiences of the customers data to replace the following software: 1) to see a reduction of administrative burdens for the resolution, 2) reduction of protection failure rates of 30% to 5% 3) reduction of time to recover the data.

Companies are forced to start with data growth problems now. You're going to have to ask some serious questions, data management and data storageInitiatives, customers who serve the real needs and how they do business. Returning to quote William Pollard if the information is not used to find solutions to the dilemma is useless. Possible data growth is a problem, and that will affect everyone to find a solution that will allow us to move forward, continue.

Exponential growth of data and what it means for companies

Monday, September 5, 2011

What does "innovation in marketing" mean to an agency?

What does "innovation in marketing" mean to an agency? Video Clips. Duration : 1.40 Mins.

Rob Davis, Interactive Marketing Director, Ogilvy

Keywords: Innovation, Rob Davis, Ogilvy, agency

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Lean Six Sigma, and Inventory Management

This stems from the fact that when an order is received, the goods can be shipped immediately. But this scenario often leads to the accumulation of stocks, unless revenues are generated good - or obsolete inventory.

There are projects to improve this situation, but often give short term results at the end. The best solution is the implementation of Lean tools to reduce excess inventory and obsolete.

Data Collection Tools

Lean Six Sigma can be very effective in reducinghuge losses incurred as a result of too much and obsolete inventory.

Analyze the root causes

The first step is the analysis of excess and obsolete inventory that take more than one organization. The DMAIC methodology can be very useful in reducing the inventory improvement in the scenario.

Often the root cause of this result of long lead times, poor prognosis and quality issues. Further analysis shows that there are reasons that are linked to the cableproblems.

For example, the delivery of large size are caused by much larger. Although the order cycle time by 30 days if the lot size for the purchase is 90 days, then this leads to a huge amount of inventory. Although this is not the only reason can be an important reason along with the cause of a complicated process.

There may be other reasons that cause the stale inventory. If the lead time is great and it happens to be in need of some revision, then by the time theCamping offers the utility of the inventory must be reduced.

For example, a pharmaceutical company when times are large, the title could be up to date on which the product is expired or not very far from doing.

In such a situation, the customer may reject the product.

Deal with weak demand, supply and Forecasting

Another cause may be due to poor management of supply and demand process. If it is bad weather, or inaccuracy of the data onOn the demand side and on-sales on the outstanding team of sales, stocks can be overwhelming.

Rework caused by defects is another important factor that leads to obsolete inventory and increased throughput times. Lean Six Sigma tools can be used with extreme caution in dealing with this situation.

Allow the phases of DMAIC to define the objectives of the project, the data collection phase of the plan of action, and performing a physical count during the measurement.This helps to understand the value of the best title of the book value. Flow analysis of the value in the analysis phase helps us understand how the input variables affecting the stock.

It can be the basis for an inventory model. Other areas are also identified, in which the inventory made in vain. Lean tools such as 5S can be very helpful in fixing this situation. Further improvements are also identified.

The phase control can be an ongoing process,capable of sustainable improvements.

Lean can be very helpful in addressing the problems of excess inventory and obsolete tools and techniques to identify the causes and the design of lean solutions to optimize the process.

Lean Six Sigma, and Inventory Management

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Data collection is an important part of the ABA

Applied Behavior Analysis therapy is the most effective and highly recommended for autistic spectrum disorder and is one that has shown the best results for educators in public and private school system. There are a number of different elements in the ABA therapy, and one of the most important components involved in data collection. With ABA, with the aim, as required techniques and task analysis, concepts and behaviors break down into teachable steps. With the dataCollection and analysis, it will be easier to understand for teachers and other professional groups, patterns of behavior and measure progress of the child.

If you implement ABA therapy in the school system with a course on DVD or in another way, the collection of data is very important. In most cases, a child will interact with several teachers and counselors every week. Maintain accurate data possible to see the highlights of behaviors, reactions, and progress of all participants, whichtypes of work and that of the prompt, or teaching methods work best for the evaluation of the individual child. This makes it much easier to teach the child to be the most complete and effective methods.

Data Collection Tools

Another benefit of proper data collection is that it's all that teaches the child can remain on the same page. Parents and educators are working together to shape the behavior and to teach concepts and analysis of data sheets to highlight what is what in fact did. Job If a child has a good performance at home, but not at school, or vice versa, this leaves parents and educators to work together to see what the differences are the cause of the problem. In addition, the behaviors of all parties that are immediately needed to determine, so that everyone can work on teaching the same thing.

There are many studies that ABA therapy schools in the most effective way to ensure that children receive is shown with autism spectrum disorder, the bestThe best education and opportunity that can learn in a classroom with peers. These children are often very intelligent, but often loses the ability to learn, because they have the necessary training to be given to learn. ABA training for teachers is very important, and data analysis can make a significant difference. If the objective of the education system to ensure that they really teach each child, which is the correct implementation of Applied Behavior Analysis Trainingdefinitely a very important step.

Data collection is an important part of the ABA

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Data Mining - Techniques and methods of mining

Data Mining as the name suggests, is to extract data information from a rich source of information. It 'like a drop of separation from the sea. Here, a drop is the most important information essential to your business, and the ocean is a huge database built by you.

Recognized in Business

Data Collection Tools

The companies have become creative with the multiplication of patterns and trends and patterns through data mining or automated statistical analysis. Once the desiredInformation from the huge database could be used for various applications found. If you want to be involved in other aspects of your business, you should get the help of professional services in the mining sector

Collection of data

Data collection is the first step towards a constructive program of data mining is required. Almost all companies need to collect data. And 'the process of searching for information relevant to your company, filtering and preparingfor a process of outsourcing of data mining. Follow signs for those who have already experienced, customer data in a database management system, have probably reached their destination.

Selection algorithm

You can select one or more data mining algorithms to solve the problem. You already have the database. You can experiment with different techniques. The choice of algorithm depends on the problem that is resolved, the data collected, as well as the tools that youto possess.

Regression Technique

The well-known, oldest and statistical methods for data mining is used for regression. With the help of a set of numerical data, it then developed a mathematical formula to the data. Here, take your new and existing data to use the mathematical formula that you developed and you will get a prediction of future behavior. Now do not use enough. You need to know their limitations associated with it. This technique works bestwith continuous quantitative data such as age, weight or speed. While working on categorical data such as sex, name or color, although not significantly better is another technique.

Technical classification

There is another technique, known as technical analysis of classification that is suitable for categorical data and a mixture of categorical and numerical data. Compared to regression, classification technology can process a wider range of data andIt is therefore very popular. Here you can easily interpret the output. Here you get a decision tree that contains a series of binary decisions.

Our best wishes go to you for your efforts.

Data Mining - Techniques and methods of mining