Thursday, May 26, 2011

improving Diagnostic Imaging With Six Sigma

Diagnostic imaging refers to the use of medical tool such as X-rays, Mri or magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasound and Ct scans. These devices have proved very beneficial in diagnosing cancer, heart ailments and other fatal diseases. However, the effectiveness of such devices may be reduced due to the increase in the whole of patients undergoing such diagnostic tests. Condition care centers now have the choice of implementing Six Sigma concepts in their delivery processes, to eliminate the common problems related with increased inpatient traffic.

Common Problems And Solutions

Data Collection Tools

Six Sigma in Condition care centers can be utilized for overcoming common problems such as delays in pathology and treatment, departmental bottlenecks, increased period of stays, inpatient dissatisfaction, referring physician dissatisfaction, loss of inpatient firm and loss of possible revenue. Although it is requisite to have the most industrialized diagnostic imaging tools for optimizing performance, Condition care centers also need to have the allowable systems and processes in place, to deliver safe and cost-effective inpatient care.

The most common arrival involves the implementation of Lean Six Sigma tools and techniques, along with process enhancement tools that accelerate change and build acceptance. When Lean Six Sigma tools and techniques are applied in diagnostic imaging, it helps in time optimization, human and tool resource optimization, revising of service delivery structure, cost reduction and wage optimization. All these are requisite for a healthcare society that is aiming to deliver potential services and increase its revenues at the same time.

Using Dmaic In improving Diagnostic Imaging

Another common Six Sigma methodology used for improving diagnostic imaging is referred to as the Dmaic methodology. Dmaic represents define, measure, analyze, enhance and control. This methodology is designed for use in processes that are already in existence. It has proved very efficient in improving the use of existing technologies, such as diagnostic imaging. In the define phase, the most common problems related with a delivery process are identified and classified. In the next phase, problems that are specific to the healthcare society are measured to compare their impact on the thorough potential of services rendered.

In the 'analyze' phase, related firm processes are analyzed for pinpointing the exact cause of the problem. This helps the administration in production the requisite changes to the problematic delivery model. In the next phase, alternative solutions are studied and the most accepted clarification is selected. This choice is based on its potential to enhance the efficacy of services delivered through the diagnostic imaging devices. In the last phase, efficient operate systems are put in place to ensure consistency of services. operate systems also help in checking the efficiency of the new service delivery models that were designed while the implementation stages of Six Sigma.

Management needs to integrate on providing the requisite Six Sigma training to physicians, nurses, diagnostic imaging professionals and even administrators. Six Sigma training needs to be in case,granted only by experienced and skilled professionals like the 'Black Belts' and 'Master Black Belts'.

improving Diagnostic Imaging With Six Sigma

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