You have a message that you want out. That's perfect. However, they have a lot of competition for the attention of your audience. Direct mail, radio and television advertising, newspapers and magazines, advertising and Internet advertising, of course. And we have not even started talking, social media (like Twitter and Facebook). All this competition for the attention of your audience could be bad news. The good news is that we have so many channels or tools to get your messageout. With a bit 'of knowledge and a few well-planned strategy of your company can receive one of the few that the right message, which will be the right audience at the right time. Here are three tools to make sure that the message is.
If you wanted to drive a nail into the wall of pounds, not with pliers. Similarly, if you want to go to a tap, would not use a hammer. In other words, you need the right tool for the right job. This means that you need to know two critical piecesInformation: 1) What is the desired result, and 2) what is the best tool you arrive. This applies to any attempt to be carpenters, plumbers, or communication. This is, of course, we are about communication, which is a good thing to talk about, because I know nothing, or carpentry or plumbing.
Data Collection Tools
On the other hand, I must ask to know a message. Marketing and effective communication requires that you begin with the end in mind. What do you want? Ask yourself, atThe end this is what I want to happen? Without this critical piece of knowledge, you can never get where you want to go strategically. You could end up there accidentally, but it would take much more time and more money. In this economy, very few of us have more time or money. I know I sure as hell do not.
So what is the goal of your marketing campaign? Get more leads for your sales staff? Driving visitors to your website? Getting people in a local restaurant? HavePeople buy their next car from the dealer? Create a strong online community? Whatever the answer, you need a clear picture of your target before you strategize how to get there. It is therefore necessary to accurate information in the form of accurate data and business intelligence, so you know what is relevant to the public. Finally, your offer is the one that has made possible a victory for you and your audience.
TOOL # 1: KNOWThe desired result BEFORE TOOL # 2: topicality, correctness DATA AND 'KING TOOL # 3: MAKE INTERACTIONS WIN-WIN
We will examine each of these in detail in this week's three-part series, three tools to build a great communication strategy. So make sure you check, or better yet, subscribe to the feed. Do not miss out on a tool with which you can build your business.
TOOL: KNOW start the desired result before you!
Good communication is never casual.Never leave to chance. It is a strategy behind the best, most effective communication campaigns. Finding an effective strategy, you must begin at the end. That's right, start to finish. By this I mean, you must determine what you are trying to achieve with the campaign. There are many examples in the previous sections (I assume you have to read the previous parts of the series. If not, shame on you! But because I'm a nice guy, here is a link).
You just can not start allJourney without knowing the destination. Lewis Carroll put it in a nutshell when he said. "If you do not know where you're going, any road will get" Even Plato knew, in the Republic stating that "[t] he beginning is the most important part of the job." A clear conclusion is where you start the job.
What is the difference between a wish and a definite result?
A clear result is good with the start dates, end dates, and metrics that can measure with which to defineYour success. The result should be your goal. Instead of "I want more leads," we should say: "I want to go to 5% of the recipients of this message to the target Web page and subscribe to our monthly newsletter." In the first example of a new leadership would meet your goal. If you are selling nuclear submarines, which could actually be your goal, but most of us are not for sale in the shop, one-off. The difference in the second example is that you have a measurable, objectivedetermine whether the communication strategy is successful.
If the results are clearly defined, you must strategically how to achieve this result. Take as an example the countryside restaurant. He wants to reach local customers and increase customer base and your ability to communicate with the public. The first thing you need is data. The data can come from many sources, but no matter what happens, data is king in this information age. You can view a list that you generated for useor you can just buy a list. In both cases, it is a first step toward effective communication.
You can also use a variety of methods to reach your target audience. Direct mail, e-mail, Internet advertising, SMS advertising, or combinations of all. As we are focusing on data, leaves us very simple, targeted customer acquisition campaign appearance. First, you need the list. For this example, say you do not have data for yourself, then you need to buy a list. There are more and more companiesList prices are, as the sands of Cape Cod (hey, I'm a Boston boy, and if it makes you feel better, you can say to the beaches of Long Island - the point is the same). The key here is to make sure you use a reputable broker list, the list goes on its current and accurate. If the list is not updated his campaign is doomed to failure from the start.
TOOL TWO: topicality, correctness DATA AND 'KING!
What strategy do you think that the best results?
I will send 1Mailer to 100,000 people, more business.
2 10 000 I mail personalized postcards each week for 10 weeks. Each card has a personal URL, so that the effectiveness of the message to improve every week.
OK, that was a stupid question. Of course, the number of answer you get two better results. My crazy dog also had the right answer (then peed on the carpet of my own). However, despite the fact that the number one answer, of course, less an effective communication strategy, Ihave seen more and more companies resort to this type of marketing that I have seen a decline in the second method. Sometimes the obvious solution is not the easiest solution.
The ability to accurately measure the results is vital for success in communication. Anyone who has seen the message? Who opened the email? Who reads the postcard? Who uses the bar code on the phone? When you read it? Who goes on the web landing page and what are they doing here? All this information is readily ascertainable andAnd 'extremely valuable.
With this list you can create a direct mail piece to be sent with a compelling call to action to visit a destination web page. In our hypothetical restaurant, you could have a coupon for a free drink if you want to visit the destination web page and a brief overview and subscribe to newsletters restaurant. This makes your customer decide in future communications. The survey could ask what the customer is the popular pizza topping. This produces a series ofThings. One thing that you now have a warm list of contacts that you know are interested in your product. Two, you know their preferences from the survey. Three, you have permission to send them further, targeted communication with special offers and tenders (this includes sending text messages SMS text message ... but is the subject of another post). The point is that the cost of a postcard and a starter, now customers have more and better data. And because customers are to maintain the overviewtheir work, likes and dislikes and other relevant models. They are building a large database.
Now that the owner of the pizza shop has all these data, what can be done with it to generate revenue? After all, the income is getting the point here. So let us continue with our example. With the data collected data can be our caterers to send e-mail offerings, which not only meet customers' needs and desires custom, but the restaurant is so good. IfYou know, you could have a boat in excess of peppers, bell peppers offer a free topping with the purchase of a large pizza. You can do it in an e-mail or text messages to customers to buy pepperoni pizza (- remember you were monitoring the buying behavior of customers) target.
So now you have a win-win result. You, the owner of the restaurant sells more pepperoni pizza when you need to break and your customers that love to get a price peppers, what they love. And 'good for everyone, andis the best marketing. How you can use business data in win-win situations for customers and prospects to create? You need to start collecting data? Leave feedback and share your expertise.
Now if you'll excuse me, I suddenly hungry for a slice of pizza.
3 strategies for effective data collection and marketing communications